Bol Bol Exposed The Secret To Stop Wembanyama

Bol Bol Exposed The Secret To Stop Wembanyama - YouTube

The ball Bowl versus Victor wanyama debate was one of the shortest in Nba history.

I know it sounds crazy that people were comparing one of the greatest rookies in Nba history to a fifth year player who has more dnps than games started this season.

But this really was a conversation and at the beginning of the Season, Hall of Famers were saying this: he’s never seen a guy like Wi Beond.

Yes, you have, his name is boo

And I think he’s better than Victor W or whatever his name is.

The only B that wbe is competing with is manut, who, fun fact, is the only rookie in Nba history to average more blocks than Victor is right now.

His son.

B ball was supposed to Face Off against the number one pick for the first time, November 4th 2023.

This game was when Bama’s first great Nba performance.

He had 38 points and 10 rebounds and led his team to Victory against one of the most stack teams in basketball.

B ball in the same game played zero minutes and very quickly.

The what can Wii do?

The ball ball can’t.

Crowd had gone real quiet until the San Antonio Spurs rematched the Phoenix Suns March 23rd 2024.

This time, not wanting to get cooked by Wmi again, the Suns pulled out their unicorn card ball ball played just as many minutes as Weni.

The two went head-to-head and you’d be surprised to see who came out on top.

Now, if you think the W chat matchups were personal, then you’ll love this.

One b ball said this about Wy.

I get it.

Yeah, this game was crazy.

Wy had 13 points.

B ball matched that with 13 of his own.

Wemi had four rebounds.

B ball had four.

Wemi had a block.

B ball had a block too.

Wheni shot 71%.

Bbo shot 80%.

Wheni shot 50% from three.

Bbo shot 100% from three.

When B had five turnovers, Bbo had zero.

And guess who got the W?

I’m not joking.

Ball ball actually outplayed wbe in real life and in this video we’re going to break it down how it happened.

I watched this game on Nba league pass

And I’m going to give away a fre league pass code so one of you guys can watch every playoff game for free.

No, this isn’t paid promo.

I just want to give back subscribe to the channel to enter and I’ll pick a winner at 200k


So the game starts and Yousef Nkic is the starting center, robbing us of a generational jump ball.

Don’t worry, we did get to see that later when Bama started this game off sloppy.

He had two turnovers in the opening 2 minutes and was a little undisciplined defensively, but eventually wemi settled into the game on this play.

Right here you can see Wei doesn’t even need to box out.

He’s a rebound magnet.

He brings the ball up the floor, passes to Vasel, who smartly lets the defender close him out before lobbing it back inside to W Bay for an effortless alleyoop finish.

Kd was trying his best on on defense.

After all, he is a long, skinny seven-footer, but Durant’s a guarding gnome next to Victor on this play.

Kd made him work.

Webe had some trouble shaking him, but he was able to get to the line and get some easy points on this play.

You see, Wanyama matched up with Durant.

On the perimeter he splits two Defenders, baits Brad be into a steal with a low dribble, then just lifts the ball over Durant’s head, lets him Blow by and finishes easily inside.

Wemi covers so much distance.

When he steps, he can get from the perimeter to the key without traveling.

What happened was the sun saw a 36-year-old, Kevin Durant, getting worked defensively.

It was in their best interest to preserve his energy for offense and put ball ball on Wmi, and this changed the game.

The first thing I noticed right away is how small b ball looks next to wanyama.

Remember, b ball is listed at 7’2.

This man is taller than 99.99% of the world’s population, and yet when has a good 2- three in on him, we can’t ignore the difference in size either.

If you knew nothing about basketball and someone showed you this picture and asked you to point out the 5year vet and 20-year-old rookie, you’d think Wemi had been in the Nba for years and ball ball was the teenager coming into the league.

B ball looks way skinnier than wbe, and that shouldn’t be the case.

I don’t know if that says more about W’s commitment and work ethic in the gym or ball Ball’s lack of effort and commitment in the weight room- probably a bit of both, and that’s why two players of such similar profile are on such different trajectories.

But this is the part of the game I want to focus most on.

When ball ball and W were in the game at the same time, and particularly when Wbi was being guarded by b ball defensively, b ball didn’t duck the assignment.

He immediately picked up wanyama and, on back-to- back possessions, b ball forced the ball out of Victor’s hands, which is, by the way the best way to beat the Spurs.

Let’s someone else other than Victor take the shot and you’ll probably win.

We’re 70 games into the season.

The record doesn’t lie.

Eventually, Victor had enough.

He was sizing up ball ball on the perimeter, used the double screen to get ball off of him and set up a match up with Eubanks, who he took to the cleaners with this spin move and lovely finish.

As we know, though, Wmi is competitive.

We all saw him try to murder Chad, so best believe he wanted to make a statement against ball too on this play.

He demands the ball on the right wing, no screens, no plays straight Iso Wheni tries to wrong foot ball with the jab towards the Baseline, then tries to cross him back inside.

He loses control of the ball and, although we all saw it, hit his foot.

The ref said it came off Weni last, meaning technically he turned the ball over on the other side of the ball.

We see ball ball run from the Baseline to get open on the low block.

He’s fouled and went one for two at the line.

The next offensive possession for the Spurs.

Wy wanted to his lick back.

He faced off with b ball again, this time inside the Ark. Smart footwork allowed him to get past ball.

Who did initiate contact trying to contain him?

The refs called a f. that b ball wasn’t too happy about.

Victor heard what he said and took it personally.

He gets the ball again on the perimeter.

He rises up as if he’s going to shoot over him.

An undisciplined ball ball took the bait, left his feet and allowed wemi to drive inside, who didn’t finish the play.

He turned it over again.

But you got to remember, Wy gets Superstar treatment.

So for some reason the refs decided to give us exactly what we all wanted to see: a Wanyama ball ball, jump ball quickly.

I want you to guess who wins.

Yeah, You’re crazy if you said b ball ain’t.

Nobody beating Wei in a jump ball because of the jump ball ball is out of the picture.

On this play defensively, Wbi sees he has a mismatch with Bradley Beal, takes full advantage and drains this free ball off the dribble.

This time it was B Ball’s chance to respond and after nearly 24 seconds of Bradley Beal dribbling the air out the ball, he dumps it off to ball ball at the last second.

Who swishes a floater in the lane?

Great improvisation from the Suns here and ball ball did really well to make himself an option: moving without the ball on this play, it was right back the other way.

On defense.

On this play, Wy has his back to the basket at the left elbow.

Everyone knows he’s going to get the ball.

Ball showed here that he actually does have a defensive IQ, anticipates the the pass, deflects the ball and almost gets a steal again.

As you see here, Ball’s off ball defense denies Weni the room to drive, leaving wemi with no choice but to hand it off to Wesley in the corner, who knocked down a wide openen shot.

Now, before you call ball ball lazy for not contesting, Wesley going into this game was shooting 7% from the three-point line this season.

Funnily enough, ball disrespected his range again later in the game and was punished for it a second time.

Unfortunately, Wemi came out of the game on the next play and this was the last we got to see of the two players on the court at the same time, as for their matchup individually.

B ball did a great job containing wimy.

Victor had several opportunities to make a highlight play on ball.

He was trying and never got one.

He never scored a single point on Ball’s head and ball, ball coming into the game and slowing down Victor wanyama when the Suns already had a bit of a lead, was what allowed them to turn this into a blowout.

Anytime W scored when ball was in, the game was whenever ball wasn’t guarding him.

The game plan’s very simple: you stop Wi Bama, you win the game and ball B did a heck of a job, stopping wanyama, who, by the way, did have some great plays in the game.

Here he showcases his alien playmaking ability in the pick and roll, wrapping this ball around the Defenders to find Trey Jones.

I know when people talked about a wbe Trey pick and roll, they didn’t Envision the giant being the primary ball handler.

But here we are seeing it in real life.

Speaking of playmaking on this play, W B races out, is the furthest man ahead in transition and is smart enough to anticipate the give go.

With Soan who keeps running and passes over the defense given an easy layup to his teammate.

The chemistry goes both ways because on this play it’s Sohan returning the favor to Wei who emphatically threw down a dunk thing is.

We all know what Wei can do offensively.

We see his highlights every other night, but I hope that you notied that none of those plays from this game are just showed you.

He was being guarded by B bow.

He was nowhere to be seen, but he’s about to be seen now.

Cuz we’re going to take a look at some of his offensive plays in this game.

Right here b ball comes off from the wing, gets himself an inch with the haes and Crosses into a mid-range jumper from the elbow, which he knocked down comfortably.

On this play, we see b ball step into a three off the dribble and transition.

Seven Footers are not supposed to be doing this, and this wasn’t his only threee.

This time he’s the last man up the court trailing the ball handler.

He puts the ball on the floor one dribble and hits a high arcing free ball from pretty deep, if you didn’t believe in his range in shot making.

Now, one of the big things we talk about with wmi that separates him from ball ball is his playmaking.

Well, on this play, ball showcased a bit of playmaking of his own.

He moves off the ball to get open, gets to the Elbow, Rises up as if he’s about to shoot the last minute, finding his teammate in the paint for an easy layup.

That’s a high IQ play from B bow that he’s capable of doing.

That we want to see more of.

Another thing we want to see more of is his defense and rim protection.

His dad averaged five blocks a game one year.

There’s no reason B b should be averaging less than a block per game, not at 72.

When he can do stuff like this, ball shows off his weak side.

Help defense.

Dominic Baro does a nice move in the lane, thinks he’s got an easy hook shot and ball ball comes out of nowhere and blocks the shot def defensively.

B was definitely motivated by the Wbi assignment, but that doesn’t mean he stopped playing defense when Vic was out of the game.

You can see here: B busts a gut to get back in transition and does a great job altering the shot, forcing what would have otherwise been an easy layup into a difficult reverse.

B ball, realistically, should be a great Nba Defender and for moments in a game he can be.

But the reason he’s not as impactful as wbei or Chad is because he doesn’t utilize his abilities.

You can’t teach height and wingspan.

They all have it in common.

B bow should be a presence inside the ark, switching onto guards and protect in the rim.

He just needs to buy in, be coachable and he can make a lot of money in this league.

I know you’re probably wondering why I didn’t show any plays of ball ball matching up against Wmi, because wemi was tasked with guarding the sun’s best players, and that’s the difference between the two.

I’m not taking anything away from Bbo.

He had a great game, but he’s not Victor wanyama, and there are a few plays from this game that I’m about to show you that highlight the difference between the two players.

Here’s the first example.

A loose ball results in ball getting an easy look at the basket.

At his height.

He should be dunking here, I know, for a fact Wei would have, but instead of going through Collins and using his length to finish, ball tries to rise up over him.

He misses the shot, but it’s called for a f. another play I didn’t like was right here.

B ball has his back to the basket.

He’s up against Julian champeny, who’s only 67 ball has a huge height advantage and doesn’t use it.

He lazily settles for a predictable fade away and messes another example.

In transition, Coast to Coast ball ball grabs the rebound off.

A block shot pushes the pace in transition, looks for the give and go aloop.

Okay, the pass wasn’t great.

I’m not blaming B for not catching it.

But when Bama probably turns that into two points, look, I could go on all day about what makes wanyama a better basket player than ball ball.

I’ve done so previously on the channel.

This right here will tell you everything he can do that the other can’t.

But we’re past that conversation.

I’m not expecting b ball to be wbe, I’m not expecting him to be Ch.

But when people compare the three, the Gap shouldn’t be so big.

Your eyes don’t deceive you.

Ball shares so many of the same gifts those other two do.

Yet they are much younger and two of the most dominant centers in the game today, while ball ball is nowhere close to that.

He’s fighting, waiting for his Nba career and struggles to get on the court.

He should at the very least be a contributing player in an Nba rotation.

He has the talent.

He has the skill.

He has the gifts.

Everyone sees his potential, but less and less people are starting to believe he can fulfill it.

But what he did prove in this game is that he can match wanyama in terms of height and length.

We know Wei’s about to take over the Nba, and if he can maybe invent himself into some sort of Wy stopper, that might be enough to get them paid.

I mean, realistically, how many other guys in the league, other than maybe Ch and Chris Staps, can say they can go inch for inch with wanyama?

What do you mean by that?

On this one occasion, objectively speaking, b ball outplayed wanyama.

Whether it’s the first of many or last time it ever happens remains to be seen, as fate would have it.

The sun’s very next game was going to be against the Spurs again.

This time wemi had the chance to get his lick back on b ball and decided not to play without the motivation from another Wmi.

Matchup ball couldn’t even outscore wanyama, who wasn’t playing, and Jeremy Sohan scored the game winner Sh the Basket Soan for three.

Oh my goodness.

And if you, watching, have made it up to this point in the video, make sure to subscribe to the channel.

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Share your thoughts and feedback Down Below in the comments, and on that note is Dkm signing out until next time and peace.

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